Keep Calm & Swaddle


Introduced from birth for their fourth trimester, newborns are comforted by this traditional technique used at nap time. Swaddling encourages serenity and sound sleep by wrapping your precious bundle gently in a lightweight breathable fabric blanket around the body.  

Snug and secure it provides a sense of safety whilst baby adjusts to their new world outside of the womb. The close cocoon emulates parental touch, eliminating anxiety, and even helping to soothe babies suffering from conditions such as colic.  

how to swaddle a baby

Limbs are lovingly folded (think frog style legs which newborns naturally position into) to protect against the natural startle reflex, prevent flailing, scratching delicate skin and disturbed sleep patterns.

In addition to those essential benefits, studies have shown swaddling to be potentially life-saving from SIDS by preventing turning from a flat back to a face-down position whilst sleeping.

Best practice begins by always laying your little one on their back, wrapping firmly but gently in a hip-healthy fashion with nothing above shoulders - neck and head should never be included. NCT recommends to check temperature regularly and ensure bedtime outfits are seasonally appropriate.


Transitioning away from the technique is best when your baby begins to show the first signs of being able to roll over. As newborns become further developed, (usually from 2-3 months onwards) it’s time to switch from a swaddling fabric to a sleeping bag style - this is less restrictive for essential movement but retains similar benefits of keeping your little one calm and cosy. 


We loved the sense of calm that swaddling bought Berry when she was newborn, and our 100% cotton muslin swaddle cloths are perfect for even the most sensitive of skins in a natural and eco friendly fabric. Your little one will look cute as a button!


Love Becky & Berry x


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