5 Simple Baby Memory Book Tips For Busy Mums
A new year is in full flow, and your next chapter is waiting to be written. Whether your baby is newborn or a few months into their earth-side adventure, January gives that fresh start feeling, making it the perfect time to start recording your baby memories in a journal that will become a precious heirloom.
Cited as one of the most effective means of looking after your mental wellbeing, writing down your thoughts can create a stronger bond with your baby by allowing you to process and reflect thoughts and feelings of the birth experience and parenthood.
What’s more, scientific studies show that journalling can improve self confidence, level up your I.Q and even lead to better sleep and a stronger immune system.
“Ideal! But where will I find the time to do one more thing?”
The sheer thought of journaling while caring for a newborn is admittedly exhausting, I hear you! But keeping a baby journal doesn’t have to be a huge overwhelming task.
The idea is to jot down a moment, memory or milestone in a quick easy-to-do-during-naptime-with-coffee-in-hand format. Entries can be as short as one sentence!
If you’re a new mum trying to spin alllll the plates, with the best intentions to fill out your baby journal in-between looking after your newborn, cooking, housework, life admin and trying to shower, I have some tips that might just help:
Thankfully, they’re rather beautiful to look at! Whether it's perched on the coffee table or nestled on the nursery shelf, this visual cue serves as a gentle nudge, reminding you to capture those moments you don’t ever want to forget.
Mum brain is real, and in the midst of baby giggles and sleepless nights, details can slip away. Utilise your phone's notes to jot down those spontaneous thoughts and “aww” worthy moments as they happen. When you find a quiet moment, transfer these details into your journal.
Block out dedicated time in your calendar at the end of each week or month to answer the time-saving prompts in your journal. Planning for this session ensures consistency and makes it a manageable task.
If it’s not already, your phone’s photo library will no doubt be a shrine to your beautiful baby. But which one’s to choose for the premium real estate in your new journal? Tap the little heart to favourite the stand-out shots and create a folder to put them in as you snap them. Then when the time comes to select prints, you'll have a curated collection ready to go. Consider ordering photos in three or four-month batches to streamline the process!
This one’s for my fellow stationary nerds. Remember the joy of organising your pencil case for the first day back at school? Just me? Whether it's a smooth rollerball, classic fountain pen, or throwback scented gel pen (remember those gems!?) having a pen that you enjoy writing with encourages you to pick up the journal more often, transforming the act of writing into a little self-care moment.
A peek inside my personal baby journal…
I can’t wait to give this to Aubrey when she’s older to look back through together! I was gifted a journal at my baby shower and loved making little entries each month. Every time Berry did something new or funny I’d make a quick note of it before I forgot.
The photos are the 4x4” matte finish prints from Snapfish and I stuck them in with Glu Dots. You could use regular pritt stick, or some pretty washi tape!
Your brain is more likely to store thoughts and information when it’s been written down, making it easier to recall those precious memories and strengthen them in your mind.
A picture may evoke a feeling, but writing enables you to delve into detail that may otherwise be forgotten over time.
Whether you revisit it weekly, monthly or on days of annual celebration such as a birthday, keep those key moments of motherhood safe, allowing you and your grown baby to reminisce on all the milestones throughout their journey - and yours - from conception and birth to early years and beyond, with a beautiful range of journals available here.